Quality policy
Our company is devoted that it is to be recognized in the market as a reliable, high quality and desirable partner respecting the following principles:
Fully meeting the expected demands of our customers and respect the agreed upon, and the quality is to be the best the first time as every next time.
Ensuring the safety of the working environment and satisfaction of employees and to develop awareness of employees that the survival, development and profitability of UNIWELD STROJEVI Ltd. depends on the individual contribution of all employees.
Constantly upgrading and improving the quality and quantity of our products considering the technical standards and requirements of the ISO 9001: 2015.
The quality of our services, demonstrates to our customers that we are ready for collaboration and for identifying and fulfilling their needs and expectations.
Valuable information obtained from our clients about the effectiveness of ways of doing business for and on behalf of them, and the results of internal judgments are the basis for the implementation of permanent improvements to our services.
We give special attention to education and constant improvement of our employees and their personal satisfaction.
Trained and motivated employees of our company bring with their professional work contribution to the creation of trust with our business partners.
In this way we want our company to remain successful and with profitable realization and economic stability on the satisfaction of our customers.
To help in achieving our commitment we use the system management quality according to the requirements of ISO 9001:2015.
Evaluation of performance of our work is given the users of our services, so each of their critical thinking and good intentions we use for the basis for continuous quality improvement.