UNIWELD STROJEVI is a company that was created by transforming the company TPK - PAN into TPK - STROJEVI . The majority holder of the firm is German company Uniweld Unternehmensverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH.
The organization shall continually improve the effectiveness of the quality management system using a quality policy, quality objectives, assessment results, data analysis, corrective and protective actions and management review.More about our mission -
Welding automation
More on automationAll devices produced by our firm are subject to control prior to delivery in order to achieve the required quality of the device.
Quality policy
More about the quality policyThe quality of our services, demonstrates to our customers that we are ready for collaboration and for identifying and fulfilling their needs and expectations.

In 2013. company UNIWELD-MACHINES D.O.O. made a grant support from CASB INVESTA for co-financing of consulting services in the pilot project "Promoting Energy Efficiency" and the project "Enhancing business competitiveness" within the entrepreneurial impulse for 2013th year.